
School trees axed |
Noise row after Pimlico planes are axed
A NUMBER of mature trees were felled outside Pimlico School on Tuesday.
They were axed as part of preliminary work in anticipation of the demolition of the secondary comprehensive.
Contractors agreed not to create any noise during school hours, but Bridget Chapman, a teacher at the school, said the noise had disrupted lessons.
She said: “These were mature plane trees and they were not destroyed because they were in the way of the new building but simply because the contractor wanted them removed to provide them with easier access to the new site. The view used to be of trees and grass – now we are educating children on what is actually a building site.”
She added: “We have had three days of terrible noise as the trees were felled – it caused real disruption to lessons.”
A Westminster City Council spokesman said: “While we understand that some of the building work can be disruptive, we are monitoring the impact of the current works and making adjustment to the programme where necessary. We are working with the contractors, Bouygues, to ensure any impact on lessons is minimised as far as possible.” |