Hospital surgery shock for cardinal
A DOCTORS’ surgery opened in a Roman Catholic hospital in St Johns Wood on Monday, courting controversy with the leader of the church.
A row erupted earlier this month at St John and St Elizabeth’s in Grove End Road after Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor ordered a strict code of conduct at the hospital. He had discovered doctors were referring women for abortions and issuing contraceptives at the hospital.
O’Connor banned doctors from offering family planning advice there, sparking resignations from board members.
But unknown to the cardinal, renegade board members had passed a plan to open the surgery in the entrance, drawing criticism from religious campaigners.
The new St Johns Wood Medical Practice, previously in St Ann’s Terrace and now in the entrance to the hospital, will provide family planning services under NHS regulations.
Nicolas Bellord, chairman of the Restituta Group set up to campaign to return the hospital to its Roman Catholic roots, said: “We are very disappointed. We are now hoping that the Charity Commission will take some action.”
Paul Jenkins, chief executive of the Westminster Primary Care Trust, said: “Healthcare for local residents will now be delivered from modern and accessible premises, creating a better patient environment.”
l The archbishop has urged people to donate money to help renovate Westminster Cathedral.
Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor wants Roman Catholics and the wider public to help the “mother church”.
A structural survey of the building in Victoria, revealed three of its four domes and supporting arches required urgent repair.
Renovation will take two years and will cost at least £3 million.
The cathedral, which opened its doors to the public in 1903, does not charge an entry fee and voluntary donations are not sufficient to meet the costs of restoration.
Work is expected to begin after Easter. |