
Staying put: Sante Zanello |
Watchdog rules out action to help ‘sole survivor’ of old people’s home
AN appeal against the controversial decision to close a Marylebone old people’s home earmarked for demolition has been rejected by the Local Government Ombudsman.
Sante Zanello had filed a complaint to the watchdog after housing chiefs moved to shut Macintosh House in Beaumont Street last March.
The 68-year-old refused to leave the 28-room block despite efforts by the council to move him on.
It wants to sell the lease back to landlords Howard de Walden.
Neil Bebbington, who has been investigating council conduct over the closure, has written to Mr Zanello to say the “case is closed”.
Mr Zanello said: “They say they closed Macintosh House because it does not meet the decent homes standard. But I believe it does and can prove it – Macintosh House is the best home Westminster has. I will not leave.”
Discussions around what to do with Mr Zanello have been on hold since the former top West End waiter – who worked in the Ritz, Dorchester and Savoy hotels for more than 20 years – contacted the ombudsman.
The council said it is in constant talks with Mr Zanello about finding him a place to move into.
He has refused to leave claiming the other sheltered housing in Westminster is not as good as Macintosh House.
It is likely he will be evicted and potentially moved into temporary accommodation outside of central London if he continues to refuse their offers. |