Water company telling me to go with the flow
• ON Boxing Day, a Thames Water cover loosened in Wardour Street, Soho. Ever since then, whenever a vehicle has gone over it, we residents have suffered a clatter – day and night. Wardour Street is not a rarely used little lane.
I telephoned Thames Water about five times. I have spoken to various teams. I have tried to leave messages out of hours, but on those occasions the recording message service has cut out. Some staff have sounded genuinely concerned and have sought to be helpful. I recall one, but I cannot remember her name, who seemed remarkably dismissive. Of course, I have standardly had to suffer the cost of your 0845 telephone number.
I don’t know why, but somehow I have a feeling that if the repetitive “click, click, click”of a Thames Water cover, day and night, disturbed you at your home, some solution would have been found within a day or two. I am writing this late on a Sunday evening, by the way, listening to the joyous, yet pointless, clicks. True, it is possible to conceive it as part of some modern minimalist music.
I have been told that because it was not in that remit (in some way), another team would be sent out to investigate, and then instruct a different team.
Perhaps it is worth my adding that the loose cover is a small, quite nice cover. It merely needs something akin to Blu-Tack or cotton wool to stop the metallic “click, click, click”.
It might be that there are advantages in having this “click, click, click” – it can cause irritations and increased blood pressure that may shorten our lives, and hence reduce the quantity of suffering from the “click, click, clicks”: in one sense, therefore, the problem is self-correcting.
Peter Cave
Address supplied
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