
The women-only demonstration heading towards Tottenham Court Road |
1,000 chanting women take to the streets
PUNTERS were greeted by hundreds of women chanting “Two, four, six eight, can’t you get a proper date?” at the Spearmint Rhino “gentlemen’s club” in Tottenham Court Road.
A group who had been marching with more than 1,000 women protesting against rape and male violence broke away to demonstrate outside the venue.
Saturday’s marchers went from from Trafalgar Square waving banners to a rally at the University of London Union in Malet Street, Bloomsbury.
Speakers included Guardian journalist Julie Bindel, National Union of Students women’s officer Kat Stark and chairwoman and founder of the London Feminist Network Finn Mackay.
Ms Bindel said that if just half the funds put towards drink driving campaigns were reinvested in educating the public on sexism, including pornography, there would be a marked difference in terms of the costs of housing battered women in refuges, requirements for counselling and police resource. Ms Bindel said: “With sexual violence it’s important that women can have their forum.” |