MP ‘glory-hunting’ over pitches row
Politician accused of jumping on bandwagon by opposing controversial football plan at park
KAREN Buck has been accused of “political glory-hunting” after she objected to plans to build a five-a-side football complex in Regent’s Park.
The Labour MP for Regent’s Park and Kensington North was blasted by environment chief Councillor Danny Astaire for jumping on the bandwagon over the long-running dispute with the Royal Parks Agency.
The application could mean a section of a popular meadow being replaced by nine pitches and a fully licensed bar. Officials say it has attracted the most complaints of any proposed development for a number of years, largely from the Friends of Regent’s Park group, which has 1,200 members.
Cllr Astaire, lead member for environment, said: “Regent’s Park Conservative councillors have been listening to residents and fighting the Royal Park’s proposals. “The planning application has attracted more opposition than any that Westminster planners can remember and the voice of local dissent is strong. Karen Buck’s public intervention so late in the day, at a time when everyone else has done all their hard work to seek to have the application turned down, smacks of political opportunism of the worst kind. “Residents must feel most let down by the political glory-hunting of their local MP.”
The attack has rankled with Ms Buck who is not used to personal attacks from Westminster Council.
She said: “I first met the Royal Parks to discuss my concerns a full two years ago. Since then, I have sought to keep residents informed, discussed my concerns with ministers and others, and liaised with the mayor’s office on their objections to the current planning application on biodiversity and other grounds. “I have no objection in principle to either the provision of football on this site or to the Royal Parks generating some income from the use of their facilities. What they must do, first and foremost, is protect the essential beauty and tranquillity of the park
She added: “I very much hope that Westminster will reject the planning application.”
The application will be heard on December 13 and a demonstration is planned at the Regent’s Park site on Sunday, December 7. |