‘Too much interest in pitch plans’
A REGENT’S Park councillor has revealed her fears that a crucial planning decision on five-a-side football pitches in the park could be prejudiced.
Councillor Gwyneth Hampson said so many councillors were against the controversial proposals it would be hard to find anyone who could take the decision without “expressing an interest”.
The application, from the Royal Parks Agency, includes axing up to 75 trees and handing over a popular public meadow near London Zoo so that private firm Goals Plc can profit.
Campaigners fear wildlife will leave the area and noise and lighting will destroy the “feel” of the wooded meadow.
At a meeting in the Marylebone Council House last week the councillor for Regent’s Park asked whether the committee could find anyone “impartial”.
She said: “I asked somewhat tongue in cheek but it is true that everyone is against it. “We have all had training in looking at applications with impartiality. I just hope the committee is in a position to say no. I know how frustrating it is when you cannot say no to something you do not want.”
Cllr Robert Davies, the chief whip for planning, replied: “All members have been efficiently trained. I do not expect impartiality to be an issue.” |