Elvis devotee and Beatles fan manage to work it out
A LEGAL battle between an Elvis devotee and a Beatles fan was settled out of court on Wednesday.
Sid Shaw owns the Elvisly Yours memorabilia store in Baker Street and Howard Cohen runs the Beatles museum next door.
Mr Shaw wanted Mr Cohen to vacate their joint basement so he could use it to launch an Elvis karaoke bus tour business.
He claimed that Mr Cohen had broken the terms of an agreement granting him only temporary use of the space.
In August a judge at Central London County Court ruled against Mr Shaw. The case was due for trial on Wednesday but has now been settled, Mr Shaw said. “The judge urged both sides to put our heads together out of court. The terms of the settlement are confidential but perhaps Mr Cohen is all shook up. Hopefully now he’ll let it be,” Mr Shaw said.
Last month Mr Cohen vacated the disputed basement, which he used as an exhibition space, after finding a suitable premises on the opposite side of the road.
Mr Shaw, who wore his blue suede shoes to court, said he will shortly be launching his karaoke bus tours. |