
Club under threat: Kai Singh training at All Stars Boxing Gym |
Fight club’s survival bid
A BOXING club in Paddington that has trained a host of prize fighters for nearly 30 years faces closure.
All Stars Boxing Gym in Harrow Road could be closed on health and safety grounds because its building is falling apart.
Founder Isola Akay, who was awarded an MBE for services to the community in 2000, is calling for the council to buy the gym from its landlords and lease it to them. This week members launched a petition to save the facility.
He said: “For some of the children I have got to know over the years this club has become a kind of second home. It would be simply heartbreaking for them if we had to close.”
He added: “If we were to get control we would not only protect the gym but clear up the rooms which are currently unoccupied or derelict and turn the whole site into a community centre.”
In the past few years the All Stars Club has trained five national ABA champions and reaped 40 divisional titles. This year it has already seen three of its female squad win three national ABA championship belts.
Joanne Cash, a barrister and Tory candidate for Westminster North, is talking to the council about saving the gym.
She said: “We must ensure that the future of this tremendous charity is permanently secured.”
Councillor Daniel Astaire, lead member for community services, said: “Westminster fully recognises the vital role that clubs such as the All Stars play in our communities, keeping the younger members of our society active and occupied. “The City Council will continue to seek contact with the landowners to secure the long-term future of this valuable facility. Westminster is also fully committed to making improvements to the Harrow Road area and has a number of initiatives under way.” |