
Opening: Alan Bradley |
Plain paper replaces red ribbon
TOILET paper replaced the more traditional red ribbon at the opening of the unique toilet in St Anne’s Gardens in Wardour Street.
The loo, designed by Soho architect Steve Johnson, is packed with original artwork by Elaine Duigenan.
Children danced to a outdoor disco and there was a special balloon race.
It was delivered by Soho Green Charity in partnership with the council.
Keys were presented to Soho Parish primary school, whose schoolchildren can now use the loo freely at lunch break rather than dashing back to school, the Soho Family Centre, the Charing Cross Nursery and Holcroft Nursery.
Katherine William-Powlett of Soho Green said: “The party was a great success and a first in that it brought together children from all over Soho – three nurseries and the school – organised by Soho Green and paid for by City Guardians and SureStart. “Making the garden more usable by the local school and pre- school has been a long held ambition and providing the loo is a big stride towards that.”
Councillor Alan Bradley opened the loo. He said: “Not only is the toilet functional but it’s also a piece of art.”