
Mahsum Bozkaya |
Stop the bus – we want our lives back
Claims St Giles bus stand is having negative impact on quality of life
A BUS stand has triggered dozens of complaints from business residents in St Giles High Street.
They say noise and pollution from bus engines outside the restaurants and flats is crippling passing trade.
Mahsum Bozkaya, 35, owner of Mezzo’s bistro, said: “I have lost 40 per cent of my income since September. No one can see my business. No one wants to be here. No one will rent the flats above and no one wants to buy the business.”
Resident Richard Cohen, a teacher, said: “From the double-deckers you can see into my living room. And the visual impact on St Giles church is a major issue.”
The hallowed 16th-century grounds – once described by Sir John Betjeman as the country’s most successful post-war restoration – are now hidden behind a fleet of 134 and 20 bendy buses throughout the day.
Michael Hennessey, deputy verger at the church, said: “It’s a shame because we now have a great view of St George the Martyr and the Baptist Church.”
Cllr Sue Vincent said: “It’s totally inappropriate place for a bus stand.”
A spokesman for Transport for London said the 134 route, run by TfL firm Metroline, was allowed to park at the stand. But the 29 buses, owned by private firm Arriva, are not.
A TfL spokesperson said: “Buses on route 134 have been diverted to use the stand on St Giles High Street while refurbishment works are taking place on Tottenham Court Road.” |