Legal aid protesters make their point outside the London County Court in Marylebone
Legal Aid reforms ‘would hit most vulnerable’
CRUCIAL advice that could help Westminster tenants avoid homelessness will be axed if controversial government reforms come into effect in October.
The County Court Housing Possession Duty Scheme gives free legal advice to hundreds of people each year on complicated housing matters.
They defend those who cannot afford to pay for a solicitor when the council orders repossession of council homes.
With just six full-time staff the Central London Law Centre offices in Whitcomb Street on the Mall provide a crucial service to people living and working in Covent Garden, China Town, Soho, Fitzrovia, Holborn and the West End.
The Access to Justice Alliance – including the Central London and the Paddington Law Centre – on Tuesday demonstrated on Thursday outside the London County Court in Park Crescent in Marylebone.
Legal Aid advisor and protest organiser Wilma Morrison said: “The Government proposes that from October 2007 fixed fees will be paid to legal advisors. This will effect the most vulnerable in your community.”