Russian billionaire’s son given green light to challenge jail term
THE son of a Russian billionaire, who killed a friend in a car crash, has been given the go-ahead to challenge his six-and-a-half-year jail sentence.
Ivan Mazour, 23, crashed his sports car into a lamppost at 90mph in London’s Piccadilly killing front seat passenger Charlie Green, 21.
Last December Southwark Crown Court heard tests suggested Mazour had smoked cannabis.
A hearing at the Court of Appeal will take place later in the year.
Mr Justice Underhill, sitting at the Court of Appeal in London, ruled there were “sufficiently arguable points” for the case to be considered.
But in granting leave to appeal against the length of his sentence the judge cautioned Mazour and his family “against undue optimism”.
Mazour was driving his Mitsubishi Evolution VIII car, which has a top speed of 170 mph, when he crashed in November 2005.
It hurtled across the central reservation and rammed a BMW head-on The driver of the BMW and his five passengers were all seriously injured.
He admitted causing death by dangerous driving, just moments before he was due to stand trial.
Mazour’s father, Ivan Mazour Snr, joined the ranks of Russia’s super-rich following the privatisation of the country’s energy industry.