Traffic chaos in Soho as Victorian mains replaced
A MULTI-MILLION pound programme to replace ageing Victorian water mains is causing traffic chaos in Soho as workers dig up the road to change the old iron pipes.
Congested roads are causing misery to drivers who are travelling through the West End.
Thames Water plans to roll out the scheme in Soho because it has some of the “oldest, leakiest and most burst-prone pipes in the area”.
A spokesman said: “We will be replacing the cast iron mains with new plastic ones, which are more durable and flexible.”
Work is due to be completed by the end of July next year and is expected to cost around £6 million.
A drop-in session for residents to find out more is to be held on Tuesday March 20 at Thames Water’s mobile exhibition unit at 7-12 Noel Street, between 4pm and 7pm or cal Thames Water’s customer centre on 0845 9200 800.