Protester who praised 7/7 bombers in court
He is convicted of soliciting murder for chants on protest march
A BRITISH Muslim who praised terrorist killings during a protest march, was this week convicted by an Old Bailey jury of soliciting murders.
Abdul Muhid, 24, was remanded in custody to await sentence with two others previously convicted.
Muhid, from Whitechapel, was at the head of a demonstration from the Regent’s Park Mosque to the Danish Embassy in Kensington, following cartoons published abroad which were said to insult Islam.
He called for “extermination” bombings in the UK and hailed the London Tube suicide bombers as “the Fantastic Four”. Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, first published in a Danish magazine, brought hundreds of angry Muslims on to the streets of the West End on February 3 last year.
They marched with banners and shouted race-hate and death slogans, denouncing Britain, even though the cartoons were never in print here, said prosecutor David Perry, QC.
Muhid, a halal meat inspector and father of two, carried a banner calling on followers to “annihilate those who insult Islam”.
He had a Danish flag that was set ablaze to the chant of “Bomb the UK.”
Father of five Abdul Saleem, 32, from Millwall, East London, convicted of stirring up race hatred, and Mizanur Rahman, 23, from Edmonton, also found guilty of incitement, will be sentenced along with Muhid.
Convicted on two charges of soliciting murder, Muhid has a previous conviction for shattering a bus shelter which displayed “an advertisment he said offended his beliefs,” the jury was told. He also threatened “British soldiers will die in Muslim lands.”
But he told jurors that although he and other Muslims were “hurt and distressed” by the cartoons, his words and actions were not intended to be taken seriously. |