Hospital revamp has put the cart before the horse
• KENSINGTON and Chelsea and Westminster Primary Care Trusts have been running a series of consultation meetings for the public regarding the development of health care in our area, and in particular the future for St Charles Hospital.
I attended the first meeting where we were given a power point presentation by a “spin doctor type” who presented St Charles as a future community hospital.
This soon became a hollow claim when it was admitted that this new hospital would not have an A&E department, no intensive care unit or children’s ward, and they were moving the patients GP ward out of the hospital.
It was not until the Thursday following the meeting that we learned that up to a 100 nurses might lose their jobs too.
At the final meeting at Kensington Town Hall we were treated to an updated presentation which dropped the Community Hospital claim.
The most revealing and extraordinary statement was when we were told that “North Kensington’s best kept secret was that they had built a hospital in the grounds of the present hospital”.
I asked, seeing this was a consultative meeting, was this not putting the cart before the horse?.
I asked what consultation had given the go ahead for that development.
Red faces were the only response.
The Primary Care Trust is like the Trojans. The public should be on guard against what might come out of their horse of consultation.
St Lawrence Terrace, W10