
The Sax Pastilles |
Sax Pastilles plan jazzy Dragon bash
Dragon Hall
NEW Orleans and Prohibition jazz is to be played on Sunday by the Sax Pastilles at the monthly Jazz Bash session held at the Dragon Hall Community Centre in Covent Garden.
The five-piece band, led by clarinet and tenor sax player Hugo “Teddy” Simmonds has been engaged to play at the monthly gig play for jivers, lindy-hoppers, Charlestonians, tap-dancers and who-knows-who else.
What’s more, the band will play without amplification, and that’s a real blessing.
“Teddy” Simmonds, 30, is yet another of the jazz crowd to emerge from Acland Burghley School in Tufnell Park and he resides not far from the school.
Jazz got a grip on his sensibilities while he was a teenager.
“I put on a record of Sidney Bechet playing the clarinet and there was no going back,” he recalls.
The Dragon Hall Community Centre, partly funded by Camden Council, was established four years ago.
It’s located in the premises formerly used by the CityLit in Stukley Street at the top of Drury Lane.
Its activities are continuing to expand, for instance by starting up music workshops next month, mostly for brass players.
“We hold the monthly jazz session to provide the local residents with a good night out at a cheap price so they have an alternative to the high-priced commercial venues in the area,” says Jim Monahan, an active trustee at the centre.
The jazz session is on the last Sunday of every month, except December.