 Alastair Macgeorge |
Plum notes to bring in money
St Michael's Highgate
THE Hampstead Garden Opera is seeking
to improve its financial underpinnings by launching a Friends of HGO scheme at a concert of Autumn Plums in Highgate on Saturday.
Fifteen great love scenes drawn from operas over the past three centuries are to be performed by young soloists who have sung in HGO’s twice-yearly productions.
“Musical treats aplenty are in the programme, many being little-known items by well-known composers,” says HGO’s chairman Alastair Macgeorge.
Formed nearly 20 years ago, the HGO has sought to be the best chamber opera company of its kind in London.
It provides opportunities for young singers, orchestral players and rehearsal pianists to gain experience without the pressures inherent in the
world of professional opera.
Its Friends scheme is being launched to help bridge the £1,000 deficit presently incurred on each performance, a deficit of £8,000 on its usual eight performances of each production.
HGO will celebrate the birth of English opera at its next production in November with a double bill comprising John Blow’s Venus & Adonis and Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas. |