
Harald Haugaard will perform contemporary Danish folk music |
World fiddlers take a bow
Kings Place
A FABULOUS feast of fiddling is to be laid on at Kings Place later this month when the Fiddles on Fire festival returns after two years to present some of the finest traditional fiddlers from around the world.
The four-day festival is being arranged by Folkworks, part of The Sage Gateshead music and cultural centre in Northumberland.
Violinists are coming from Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Americas and India. “The violin has been a key instrument in folk traditions for three centuries and more in these countries,” says Chris Pentney, Folkworks’ programme manager at The Sage. “Fantastic fiddle concerts and workshops at the Kings Place festival will celebrate these vibrant traditions ranging from driving reels to plaintive airs.”
The festival has its origins in the formation of Folkworks in the early 1990s and subsequent Arts Council funding for a national tour of concerts and workshops. When Folkworks became part of The Sage centre in Gateshead, the Fiddles on Fire format was launched six years ago.
Twinning of concerts and workshops is a key aspect of the format, explains Ms Pentney. “In this way, people can enjoy the full artistry in the concert and get a good insight into the different techniques, for instance, the phrasing, the bowing, the dynamics,” she says.
The festival opens on Wednesday April 15 with a concert by Blazin’ Fiddles, Scotland’s award-winning group.
Traditions shared between Scottish and Nordic music explored at Thursday night’s concert will include the Harald Haugaard Trio playing contemporary Danish folk music.
A range of workshops on Saturday will include classes aimed at people who have their own instrument and a basic command of playing. You can take your pick from Indian fiddle styles; Scottish and Irish fiddle tunes and styles for beginners; Eastern European improvising styles; American fiddle styles and more.
The heart of Irish fiddle playing will beat furiously at the final concert on Saturday evening, featuring Frankie Gavin, founder of De Dennan; Irish fiddle virtuoso, Martin Hayes; and American guitarist, Dennis Cahill.