The Review - FOOD AND DRINK - Cooking with CLARE Published: 5th August 2008
Clare Latimer's recipe for
Blackcurrant Jelly Sweets
Blackcurrant Jelly Sweets
With our coffee we had a delicious array of sweets and this one was the most memorable to me so I rang and asked the pastry chef if he would share his recipe and here it is.
You could halve the amounts if you wish to make less. You could either serve them with coffee or they would go well with a red fruit salad dotting a few squares round the edge of the plate.
150g caster sugar;
One kilo blackcurrant puree;
60g pectin;
850g granulated sugar;
350g glucose;
25g citric acid;
A little caster sugar for dusting.
Mix the caster sugar and pectin together and warm through in saucepan.
Add the blackcurrant puree and stir over heat for one minute.
Add the granulated sugar and glucose.
Using a jam thermometer cook until temperature reaches 106-107°C.
Add the citric acid, stir and then pour into a tray to set.
Cut into cubes and roll in caster sugar to serve.