Game, set and strawberries
Clare Latimer serves some aces for Wimbledon – with top spin on the classic red summer fruit
WELL, Wimbledon is upon us and the first thing I think of, apart from hunky men in whites, is sunshine with strawberries... > more |
Cuisine  Katana, London WC2
European  The Rock Garden, London, WC2
Modern European  Fire & Stone, London, WC2
British  Bank Aldwych, London, WC2
Sweet tastes from the subcontinent
Don Ryan samples the delights of East Indian desserts
LONDON is home to several producers of lavishly made East Indian desserts and sweets.These authentic, special occasion foods are enjoyed by people... > more |
New departure for station concourse - SOMETHING strange has happened to St Pancras International. It’s not only the new gateway to Paris, it’s also a ...>more
Dig for victory in the kitchen - I WAS lucky enough to go to the Chelsea Flower Show this year and the one display that stood out for me was the vegetable garden.>more
Good things come in small parcels - I WAS asked to attend a cookery lesson at La Cucina Caldesi cookery school in Marylebone Lane this week, so with curiosity ...>more
Fishy tales from around the world - JAY Rayner has an enviable job.
The restaurant critic, whose words on food entertain readers of the ...>more
Cornish delight - sun, sea and superb food - WITH your eyes shut, imagine staying in a tiny cottage tucked into a corner of a harbour village in the depths of Cornwall...>more
A little of what you fancy does you good - I WAS shocked to read that the Camden Sustainability Task Force is considering a recommendation to reduce the...>more
Blazing a trail with the produce of Poland - POLISH food is good” proclaims a sign above the door of the Red Pig deli. It is a simple claim, but one which might have...>more
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig... PIG farmers are having a terrible time at the moment because of the price rise in animal feed. In the near future the price...>more
Corks pop as the spring collections get a tasting - SPRING is in the air and there are wine tastings everywhere. Morrisons, the supermarket chain with stores in ...>more
Waste not, want not and buck the throwaway trend - WITH prices of food going up due to fuel increases and the price of wheat going through the roof, I think we ...>more
Indulge in a little culinary pod casting - I WAS in the fruit and veg shop in Primrose Hill the other day and was shown a box of fresh tamarind. Phil gave me a pod to ...>more
Portuguese wine is coming of age - AT Lord’s, the home of Middlesex Cricket Club, 100 Portuguese wine producers and importers gathered for Wines of Portugal...>more
Getting back to idealist foundations - IT'S all at the Co-op trumpeted an old TV advert – a sentiment that was clearly shared by the enthusiastic young woman... > more
Fruity talk to get you in the pink - LAVENDER, my little grey chicken, was very poorly last week so I went to Sesame, the ever-popular health shop in Regent’s Park... > more
Taking stock of organic flavouring - ENLIGHTENED shoppers will know the name Marigold. Three million tubs of their bouillon powder were sold last year.>more
Cheat and prosper is Delia's myth - I HAVE now seen three of Delia’s cooking programmes (BBC2 Mondays) and they really got my blood boiling. All the...>more
Ingredients from the Tube - Two years ago youthful chef Oliver Rowe created a stir when he opened gastro pub Konstam at the Prince Albert. He vowed to source...>more
Get a little taste of the good life- I went to Freightliners Farm in Sheringham Road the other day to buy some corn for my chickens and to my surprise I discovered ...>more
Being small is not always beautiful- PETER Marks has been baking bread and cakes at the Alexis Bakery (272 West End Lane, NW6), since the 1980s. He took over ...>more
Why Delia is cheating her readers- AFTER four years in retirement, Delia Smith has returned. Her book, How to Cheat at Cooking (Ebury Press £20), claims to ...>more
Sugar and spice and a flavour of paradise - BEQUIA is a little island jewel located one hour’s flight west of Barbados. It’s a perfect “rescue remedy” in the winter...>more