DVD of the Week
An Inconvenient Truth
IT started off as a power point presentation for presidential flop Al Gore to explain why not electing him and handing Bush the keys to the White House was bad news for the environment.
But his persuasive style and shocking rhetoric, so lacking when he was on the stump, made his film friends tell him his message was worth making a movie about.
And it is mostly compelling stuff. Humankind are shown to be a right old bunch of dirty slobs whose behaviour is reckless, thoughtless and ridiculous.
Gore is polished, the film is well made and it will scare the heebie-jeebies out of you. However, for entertainment value, this film is best bought as a stocking filler for unreformed littler louts who need to wake up or hard core Greenpeace activists who like this sort of thing. Anyone else may find it a little dry.
Paramount Home Entertainment £19.99. |