Make a hot date with Lily
PREVIEW: Lily Allen
WHAT else is there to say about the gold-earring sporting Islington pint-pot loudmouth? I could say anything, you all know who Lily Allen is.
But do you still care oh fickle pop fans?
Girl of the summer, she’s still flogging her Alright, Still material, but has the glitz been tarnished.
I noticed a definite media swing against the spawn of the Sheriff of Nottingham (Keith Allen).
Anyway, suprisingly, she’s not sold out completely – there are still tickets to be had for Tuesday’s gig.
So get down to cash converters, flog your sax, and buy a ticket –
The Astoria’s always a good night and if you liked her winsome ska-ish songs about her trendy life (as I did) then it’ll be a date worth keeping.