Joined up new works to stretch imagination
Joinedupwriters' Festival
Old Red Lion
JOINEDUPWRITERS, a company committed to the development of new and innovative writing, will show nine new works during its autumn festival at the Old Red Lion Theatre, Angel.
The first three works will be presented on Sundays and Mondays in October: The Box by Mark Brown – a solo show of man’s struggle against faceless bureaucracy. This is followed by Quien Es? by Alan McNabe, one of the founder members of Joinedupwriters. Here, Victor goes on a surreal journey where his identity seems to be eroded away.
Whatever he does, he is always the weaker party, constantly dogged by the ambiguous and frightening Otto. Calling by Deborah Espect, the final piece of the evening is the strongest. Bouncy dialogue and good character studies carry forward the story of Scott, David and Rebecca to its grizzly conclusion. The Old Red Lion Theatre provides a friendly space for plays that are works in progress and gives writers an opportunity to see how their work is received by a live audience. November and December will each feature three new works.
020 78333053
Until December 22 (Sundays and Mondays only)