Mix and match if you are nuts about nuts
I have discovered some people who are simply nuts.
THERE is certainly an autumn aroma in the air now and that gives me the image of country lanes, leaves turning a rich golden red colour and spiky horse chestnuts lying in the grass.
Well, in Camden, the perfect answer is to go to the brand new and shining Nuts About Life shop in Hampstead – near Flask Walk. I have not seen anything like this before.
They have gathered the best quality nuts from around the world and put them all in one ‘cluster’.
Along with the nuts are trays of Goji berries (more than 500 times more vitamin C than one orange, I am told by the keen staff) cranberries soaked in orange juice, dried blueberries, pure cocoa chips and even bee pollen by the spoonful.
At the end of the shop is a meusli bar. I have always had a problem buying ready mixed muesli, as I do not like sultanas invading my breakfast bowl.
You can make the base with wheat, rye or barley oats and then I added dried apricots, blueberries, Goji berries, orange cranberries, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, bran, dates and baby figs. You choose the quantity of each and then just mix it up. To vary the flavour each day I also bought a scoop of cocoa chips and also a scoop of bee pollen.
This gives a strong honey flavour or chocolate taste each day and is 100 per cent healthy.
The shop is definitely worth a trip and it would be very hard not to be tempted to some treat or other.
It is not cheap but we all need treats so go and indulge and feel healthier as well. The staff will answer any questions and also hand out samples of unknown tastes.
Smoothie Muesli
Make up your muesli in the shop. You may have to vary the amount with the milk ratio as it depends on your choice of nuts, fruit and oats. Also choose the milk you like best.
Two tablespoons of muesli.
Eight fl oz milk.
One banana.
Put the meusli and milk into a bowl, stir, cover and soak over night in the fridge. Put the meusli mix into a blender with the banana and whiz for about one minute making sure it has blended well. Add more milk if it is too thick. Pour into a glass and drink.
Smoked Almond Salad
The smoked almonds give a great taste of bacon although obviously there is not a pig in sight. For vegetarians this recipe is perfect and for us carnivores, it is a lot easier than frying bacon and washing pans so either way it works.
A perfect light supper dish. Due to lack of space here you can find my French dressing recipe on my website www.clareskitchen.co.uk under ‘recipes’.
One oak leaf, washed and leaves torn up.
Four ripe tomatoes, cut up.
Olive oil
Two slices white bread.
125g soft goat cheese.
225g oyster mushrooms.
One ripe avocado, skinned and cut up.
75g smoked almonds, roughly chopped.
Two tbsp of my French dressing.
Put the oak leaf into a salad bowl with the tomatoes. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and then fry the bread for a few minutes on each side or until golden brown.
Remove and when cool, spread with the goat‚s cheese right to the corners and then cut into small squares.
Fry the oyster mushrooms in the olive oil for about five minutes or until soft but not browning. Prepare the avocado and add to the salad bowl along with the oyster mushrooms and chopped nuts.
Pour over the French dressing, toss well and then sprinkle over the goat cheese croutons and serve. |