Compelling look at horrors of war
Theatre Museum
IMMORTAL asks you to imagine what World War II was actually like.
We see the war through the eyes of five RAF men and an exiled German girl fighting for the resistance. > more
Clever Dick is a right old blast
Hampstead Theatre
HAMPSTEAD Theatre continues its pillage of 20th-century history with a sharp-scripted farce based around the Manhattan Project.
It is June 1945, a month before scientists detonated the first atomic bomb... > more
‘Oldest play’ has modern parallels - AESCHYLUS’S The Persians tells the tale of a young King Xerxes, whose surprise defeat by an underestimated... > more
Inner battles of 20-somethings - TWENTY-first-century sexual politics, 20-somethings sitting around cracking jokes in a bar – we’ve seen it plenty of times before. > more
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