
Hogs William H Macy and Tim Allen go up against a real biker gang |
Travolta’s revival on a crash course
Directed by Walt Becker
Certificate 12a
CRASH helmets off to John Travolta. With the notable exception of Pulp Fiction his career has appeared to be in freefall for too long, but this high-spirited road comedy catapults him back to the top. In the States, where it counts, it’s the blockbuster of the moment – with good reason.
John stars as Woody, a fast-talking chancer who persuades three of his middle-aged suburban buddies to recapture their lost youth by biking across America all the way to the Pacific.
Bobby (Martin Lawrence) is a hen-pecked family man with ambitions of becoming a novelist. Dudley (William H Macy) is a dentist who has had enough of staring into open mouths, while Doug (Tim Allen) is the clumsiest no-hoper who’ll ever bump into you.
They don Wild Hog leathers, climb aboard their steel stallions with a lot of “yo’s”, high-fives and knuckle-banging, call each other “bitch” and pump up the machismo before setting off.
Sure enough, they fall foul of a real biker pack (led by the charismatic Ray Liotta), inadvertently setting fire to the gang’s roadhouse.
Saddle-up for an undemanding free-wheeling trip with plenty of laughs along the way. |