
Gwen McCrae |
Tremendous three play the Jazz Café
Jazz Café
BETWEEN April 8, 10 and 12, Camden’s Jazz Café will open its doors to some lucky, lucky punters.
I say lucky because all three acts – on three separate nights – should be more than memorable.
First up next week is London’s very own Klashnekoff, pronounced K-Lash-Nek-Off (just in case you feel like shouting it out at the gig).
A highly-rated MC perhaps best known for founding the Terra Firma Crew, he is back promoting his new album Lionheart: Tussle With The Beast. Following appearances on fellow rappers Kano and Jehst’s albums, and exposure by DJs Tim Westwood, Shortee Blitz and Gilles Peterson, Sunday night should be well worth the admission price. And with the additional thrill of cameos from his old crew, how could you say no?
Meanwhile Tuesday night sees the decade-old Dub Pistols onstage. They are a genre-defying duo who have remixed for Bono, Moby and the Stone Roses’ Ian Brown, and worked with American rap statesman Busta Ryhmes.
They are also in Camden to plug a new album – but with guest appearances by ska-band the Specials frontman Terry Hall and rapping master Rodney P, it certainly shouldn’t feel like another primetime TV ‘here’s your new record’ moment.
Last but not least is spellbinding soul star Gwen McCrae, who has won rave reviews from this newspaper in the past and gets my winning ticket as the night not to miss.
Perhaps most famed for her 70s hit Rockin’ Chair, she is seen by some as a hugely under-sung heroine – but not in Camden. An entranced audience at the Jazz Cafe back in 2004 were promised by McCrae “I’ll be coming back one day”. Good to see she has stayed true to her word.