SMITHS undertones and a distinct Morrissey lilt to frontman David Higgs’ voice don’t detract from Camden band Kaiko’s melodic pop heart.
Playing at the baptism of fire for all new(ish) bands, the Dublin Castle, on the 1st of April, Kaiko have no reason to be afraid.
They tell me they’re not planning any japes for that comedy day, although I’m still hoping they’ll turn up in a clown suit or a french maid outfit. Having been around a relatively short amount of time, it seems they’ve picked up a local fanbase and some loyal devotees, and have been nominated for an Indy award by Farringdon club the Betsey Trotwood – they must have beat off a lot of competition for that accolade. Their demo, featuring tracks Lucky Lung and Daytime, is a winner. listen to them at www.myspace.com/
kaikomusic. |