
Margaret Reese, right, with Carluccio's manager Katy Lake |
Margaret goes Italian to talk about Tory politics
Top Tory Margaret Reese talks to Peter Gruner about food, educationand the future of the Conservative Party
SHE'S been dubbed the Hyacinth Bucket of the Conservatives – after the super snob from the BBC sitcom Keeping Up Appearances.
But in reality Margaret Reese comes across as modest and compassionate.
After years in the political wilderness as chairwoman of the Islington Conservative Association, Margaret believes that Tory fortunes are beginning to rise under leader
David Cameron.
I met the former Camden primary school teacher at Carluccio’s in Upper Street, Islington, her favourite restaurant, and one where she has been going for many years to meet friends and political colleagues. “I’ll eat anything and everything, but I do like the food here,” she says. “The nice thing is that you can sit and chat for hours and no one minds. “But I don’t just talk about politics and the state of Islington and society at large. There’s family and friends to discuss. “I like the sardine dishes, which are fiddly to cook at home. But I also like the mushroom risotto and antipasti. I favour traditional food with a French or Italian overlay if possible.”
The plight of the family and education are among the biggest concerns of Margaret, who taught for 11 years at Nutley primary school, on the Regent’s Park estate, before retiring 15 years ago.
She adds: “The recent UN report said it all. Children in Britain suffer worse relationships with their parents and are exposed to more risks from alcohol, drugs and unsafe sex than those in any other wealthy country in the world. That’s a terrible indictment. “I couldn’t get over hearing the Dutch children talking in perfect English and saying how good their life was. “Compare the Dutch with this country, where often children can’t string two words together. We’ve got to support the family and if we are going to maintain comprehensive schools let’s set and stream children. “I’m also all in favour of academy schools and allowing businesses to endow schools. “I don’t know why people are so dead set against private money coming in to academies. If it gives children a better chance of a leg up in life then I’m all for it.”
She has stood unsuccessfully for the council three times, including twice in Canonbury ward, where she lives.
She adds: “David Cameron is popular and we are recruiting locally and getting lots of money coming in. Things are looking good.”
At last year’s local elections she fielded candidates in every ward for the first time in years.
We both had a glass of good red house wine (£2.85).
n Margaret tucked into Lasagne tradizionale (£6.95) with layers of egg pasta, tomato, ground beef and lamb and béchamel sauce.