Chemist a Cut above the rest
Islington Academy
by Richard Osley
LET’S take you back to concrete streets, original beats and real live MCs – doo-dah, dah-doo-dah and all that. Cut Chemist, one of the skilled DJs behind kazoo blowing hip-hop group Jurasic 5, the genre’s leaders, is bringing his records to town on Thursday.
If you don’t know him from J5 – why not, you fools? Stop listening to shoddy gangstaaa rap and listen to some proper hip-hop – then you can also trace him back to work with Ozomatli.
He spiced up a Latin roots band that wouldn’t have stood chance of winning the Grammies they eventually claimed without his bouncing rhymes and scratches. Still not convinced? He is mates with the better known DJ Shadow and his turntabalism is just as good, if not better.
A musical cleptomaniac, he pinches bizarre samples from records that others wouldn’t see fit for a jumble sale. It makes pretenders like Fatboy Slim and Armand Van Helden look like Smashey and Nicey.