THERE was no Kate Moss at the Babyshambles gig at the Dublin Castle on Thursday, although there was Winehouse and Frost to add celebrity sparkle.
And a whole host of snappers, let in for the first three songs and then booted out to wait for the errant boy wonder of pop in the street.
Pete Doherty was in the papers the day after, in a mock up attack of the paparazzi.
Part of his persona maybe. He had a good night, reason to be cheerful. His band, who appear to live on a knife-edge at the whim of their baby-faced frontman, were tight.
But strangely, as all good singers should be, it was Pete who fascinated. With his moony face and slower than average reactions he seemed slightly surreal, but a consummate star. They loved him. Cocky but fragile.
But it made me wonder, how many people actually know what he sounds like or any of Babyshambles’ music? Apart from all the drama, it’s important to remember they’re just another band.
And as their frontman, he is endearingly sweet, a little boy lost who took delight breaking a light before encouraging fans to stage invade because there wasn’t any security. And when one gig-goer stagedived Pete was right behind him smirking. He’s nothing if not accessible.