
Rhona Cameron |
Coffee and croissants with funnygirl Rhona
Comedian Rhona Cameron and theatre and food critic Toby Young talk about their favourite places to eat
FEISTY stand up comedian Rhona Cameron, who famously complained about her fellow contestants in ITV’s I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, hasn’t lost her bite when it comes to eating out.
She took a swipe this week at the so called “wealthy Belsize Park set”, who tend to work in finance and, she said, drive huge inappropriate four wheel drive vehicles, polluting the environment every time they go out for a meal.
To escape the Belsize Park crowd she heads for the small, cosy wood-panelled Café Mozart in Swain’s Lane.
Rhona said: “They have a better clientele there who are from Highgate and who are slightly less irritating than the Belsize Park crowd. “Highgate people, representing old money, tend to be more eccentric, artistic and bohemian. They are a lot gentler than the young monied crowd that blot Belsize Park.”
Very much a part of café society, Rhona will go for a coffee and a croissant with friends on a Sunday morning, walk for a couple of hours over Hampstead Heath, and then return to the Mozart for a spinach and tomato omelette.
She also likes “old fashioned” cafés like the Chamomile in England’s Lane, where she can have a late breakfast of a baked potato, or shepherds pie, or a chicken club sandwich. “I’m not spontaneous about food I’m afraid,” she said. “I go to the same places and eat the same thing every time.”
On a cold day after a Sunday match with the Camden Women’s Football club she and members of the team will troop along to Violette café in England’s Lane, for piping-hot lamb stew or breaded filleted chicken with Parmesan mash and rocket.
Her new book The Naked Drinking Club is being published on March 1 by Ebury and is described as a hedonistic journey by young women in 1980s Australia.
Poor old Toby Young, the Spectator’s drama critic – there are times when a scribe needs to escape his fellow critics, such as when they have been particularly rude and unkind about an offering.
So when A Right Royal Farce, performed at the King’s Head theatre last summer, got a right royal panning Young made a beeline for Almeida theatre restaurant in nearby Almeida Street, where he could relax. “I’ve never been much of a fan of Sir Terence Conran’s restaurants,” he said, “but I found both the food and the service excellent. “I was particularly fond of the charcuterie trolley and the selection of pates, cured meats, and cheeses.”