'We're ahead
on crime,' says top cop
CRIME has fallen in Camden more than anywhere else in London,
according to figures released this week.
The British Crime Survey conducted by the Home Office
and studying crime rates across the country found crime
in Camden had fallen faster than anywhere in the capital.
And now Camdens top police officer, borough commander
Mark Heath is predicting his force will beat a government target
of reducing crime figures by 20 percent in three years. He told
the New Journal: We are way ahead of a three-year target
that ends in 2007, and we are only one of three boroughs top
have a reduction in street crime.
The officer said teams had been targeting burglars.
He said: Burglary is down. Weve taken out some good
burglars in the last few months after a lot of effort and intelligence.
However, executive member for crime Councillor Jake Sumner said
he recognised there was still work to be done. He said: The
statistics show crime has fallen but any crime is still awful
for the victim.
Conservative councillor Andrew Mennear said he welcomed any
falls in crime but said he doubted whether the figures
meant much. He said: I do not think it matches the experience
of people who live in the borough. If you ask most people if
they feel safe at night or if police have got a hold of the
drugs issue, then they would say no. |