Judge us
on our record
Would the Tories, Lib Dems or Greens
match Labours record in Camden? Not by a long way, argues
John Mills
ON May 4 2006, having been first elected in 1971, I shall step
down from being a member of Camden Council.
It will be a big wrench to do so. I have loved being involved
with... >
ALL the signs suggest local politics are at a tipping point.
Subtle changes have been taking place since the late 1990s in the
minds of the electorate.
At the local elections in 2002 we warned that the yellow tide of the
Lib Dems was threatening the tenure Labour has held in Camden for
more than 30 years. >
All parties
should work on planning - This is an open letter to the leaders
of the main political parties involved in the 2006 Camden borough
council elections to... >
The perils of
letting in the Tories - As we approach the council elections on
May 4 and your letters pages become logjammed with candidates proclaiming...
> more
Nursery silence
speaks volumes - A year ago some parents from Agar Grove Community
Nursery were informed their current premises on Wrotham Road... >
Crawl a great
celebration of music on our doorstep - The Dublin Castle was again
fortunate enough to be be included in the Camden Crawl. >
Parks arent
the places to schmooze business - WELL done to William Palin and
the community round Lincolns Inn Fields in seeing off the corporate...
> more
Taxis not exempt
from the law - I hope that Camden Council will not be bullied
by threats and disruption caused by taxi drivers who want to be exempt
from... > more
Will we have
a say in extra library day? - While the Friends of Chalk Farm
library welcome the extension of the library by one day a week, we
are aware that... >
Not all rosy
in schools garden - Well what a surprise! Fourteen Camden school
governors appointed by the Labour Party think your readers should
be... > more
Ill stand
in four years - Since I made my announcement through the CNJ that
I would not be standing in the forthcoming local elections, I have
received many calls... >
more |