
Greens Sian Berry
Greens: 'We could hold key to power'
THE Green Party believes it could hold the balance of power
on Camden Council if it can capitalise on traditional Labour
voters disenchantment with the government in two key wards.
Sian Berry, who is standing in Kentish Town, said she and other
candidates had found on the doorsteps that large numbers of
people are now considering voting Green, swayed by issues such
as the war in Iraq, the governments stance on private
investment in the NHS and the move by supermarkets into high
She said: We came second to Labour in Kentish Town in
2002, winning 24 per cent of the vote. We have found that people
who in the past have been traditional Labour supporters have
taken posters from us. There has been a groundswell of support.
Ms Berry, who lives in Fortess Road, is a founding member of
the Urban Alliance against 4x4s, a pressure group that campaigns
against drivers who use the all-terrain cars in London.
She stood in Hampstead and Highgate at last years general
election and in Highgate ward in the 2002 council elections.
In Highgate, where Conservatives believe they have a good chance
of unseating sitting Labour councillors Maggie Cosin and John
Thane, and of defeating first-time candidate David Queen, the
Greens believe they can take at least one seat from Labour.
Green candidates include Adrian Oliver, who came within 39 votes
of winning a seat at the last Town Hall elections.
Ms Berry said: If we do well in these wards, which we
believe we will, the Greens could hold the balance of power
in the chamber and be able to rein in some of the unpleasant
aspects of Labour policy. |