
Cllr Piers Wauchope |
'We'll make it a drug-free zone'
CAMDENS Conservatives became the first political party
to release a full copy of their election manifesto, pledging
a permanent crackdown on drug-dealers and an improvement in
school performance.
Candidates and existing Tory councillors discussed tactics at
the groups headquarters in Heath Hurst Road in Hampstead
on Monday night.
Group leader Councillor Piers Wauchope said that his party would
make Camden Town a drug free zone by forcing the police to take
strong action.
He said: There is absolutely no will in the Labour party
to do anything about it. We all know that if you go to Camden
Town you will find gangs of young men offering you drugs
and nothing is being done about it.
The Conservative group said they supported the use of Anti-Social
Behaviour Orders (Asbos) a chief tactic used by the ruling
Labour group over the past four years to expel troublemakers.
But they want better relations between the council and police
and a tough strategy to beat the dealers.
Members were also warned that Labour has become complacent on
their track record on schools.
The Conservative manifesto said: Camden should not be
content to achieve the same as some inner London boroughs, given
the nature of the borough it should be aiming at results to
similar in suburban areas.
Other ideas in the manifesto include setting up a permanent
scrutiny panel into health panels and giving more power and
influence to new neighbourhood committees.
Labour and the Lib Dems are due to publish their manifesto pledges
in full on Tuesday. |