Skips were just rubbish
• THE trouble with skips was that they didn’t work all the time for all residents (Bring back our skips, October 30). The trouble with the letter from St George’s Labour candidates is that it is plain wrong and ill-informed.
If you happened to live by a street corner where the skips were dropped, then fine; but most people never so much as saw a skip, especially as there was only the one day each month the skips were delivered and available.
Worse, some skips were used by canny builders to dump for free debris that had nothing to do with household waste. Why should council tax payers end up subsidising commercial companies?
Also, skips worked against the separation of recycling from other waste – all too easy to just chuck everything in there, as opposed to the green and brown bin habits that are now taking root.
So the Liberal Democrats put the costs of the skips instead to an excellent borough-wide service, whereby a phone call to the council – 020 7527 2000 – gets bulky waste collected from your home, on demand, within just a few days (as opposed to waiting for the monthly skip to show up and lug your waste to it).
Try it. I have and it works really well. It is a much better use of our precious public funds. There is no charge for collection, by the way – another error in Labour’s letter.
Equal access for all; don’t use public money to subsidise businesses; and help the environment – I thought Labour reckoned it stood for these things, but clearly not.
These Labour candidates ought to understand actual policy before sounding off – and why not publicise the improved new service instead of making ill-informed attempts at political point-scoring?
Keith Sharp
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