By escalating dispute, Royal Mail has put its future at risk
• IT continues to disappoint me that employees at some point are faced with no alternative but to lose pay by taking strike action to protect their hard-earned terms and conditions of employment, which they have taken many years to secure. When they do strike, they are unfairly criticised.
Who wants to lose money by having to take part in strike action? Do people think these employees can afford to lose money at a time when the economy is suffering, or if they have young families? > more |
But was this major theft? - I JUST wanted to point out to David Collins that for passengers with Travelcards there is no requirement to use the Oyster card... > more
A welcome for gays - AS members of the congregation of St Thomas’s Church Finsbury Park, we write to seek to redress the balance after noting with concern the... > more
Free my belongings - FOR the last 10 years I have been unable to access part of my own property because Homes for Islington (HfI) has erected a giant metal door... > more
Bills will be challenged - AT Islington Council’s recent full council meeting, Councillor Terry Stacy implied there were very few challenges via the leasehold... > more
Brickbats for estate - A FRIEND has sent me the obituary of Harry Brack, a long-time Islington resident, (Campaigner who fought ‘barracks for workers’, October 9). > more
Final insult to The Mall - THE Mall in Camden Passage is about to stripped of its name as well as its dignity. New occupiers have applied for permission to remove the... > more |