Labour’s ‘living in a cocoon’
A LEADING figure in the Post Office union described the national Labour Party this week as “dream walking” towards loss of power, rather like “Germany at the end of the war”.
Mark Palfrey, CWU representative for London, spoke at a meeting of the new radical campaigning group The People’s Charter, at the Red Rose Club in Finsbury Park on Wednesday.
Mr Palfrey’s 12,000 London members have been taking strike action and are to be balloted next week about launching the dispute nationwide. He told the meeting he had attended the Labour Party conference in Brighton on Tuesday. “Listening to Labour MPs you wouldn’t think anything is wrong in the world,” he said. “They are living in a cocoon. They would rather bail out bankers than working-class people. I don’t remember hearing any member of the Labour party cabinet mention working people while I was there.”
Former Archway teacher Jan Pollock, a founder member of The People’s Charter who organised the meeting, said the movement is gaining new members all the time because people are searching for an alternative to New Labour. She said a battle will shortly be launched against plans for a large “poly clinic” for her area of Archway. “It will mean you lose your regular GP,” she said. “It’s a terrible idea.”
The People’s Charter, formed in March this year, takes its inspiration from the 19th-century Chartist movement for radical reform. Supporters include Islington North MP Jeremy Corbyn, Tony Benn, Mike Mansfield QC and 18 unions. |