School’s move will benefit nursery and youth project
• EVEN if the current Ashmount School buildings could be refurbished to a “proper standard” – which they can’t, as a visit to the school or a look at Islington’s reports makes evident – Francis Wilkinson is not comparing like with like in suggesting this as a more economical option (Why move school when a refit could save millions? September 18).
The cost of the Crouch Hill proposals reflects the fact that Ashmount’s new building is one part of a much broader scheme. This will include new facilities for Bowlers Nursery and Cape Youth Project (both of which already operate at Crouch Hill in similarly unsatisfactory accommodation), as well as making this neglected and under-used green space accessible to the whole community. > more |
Parks just get better - I WOULD like to take issue with the claim that Islington Green park used to be better (Trouble with lorries, August 28). > more
Must it be a ghetto? - THE weekend’s Open House London afforded the opportunity to visit the new development at 28 Laycock Street, a mix of private and... > more
On Mall bandwagon - THE stand against the closure of The Mall was led by a petition to save it undertaken by traders in Camden Passage, and had nothing... > more
A reckless free-for-all - I HAVE a child at Hanover Primary School in Islington and was horrified to be handed a note outside the school from a Labour supporter... > more |