We need tribunal option, says man at centre of row over bills
LEASEHOLDERS have won a partial victory in their dispute with the borough’s housing agency over the right to challenge hefty bills.
They have been assured that they can contest bills for refurbishment work with the agency, Homes for Islington (HfI).
But if the leaseholders – owners of former council houses – opt to pay the bills over periods of up to 10 years, they still cannot take their case to the independent Leasehold Valuation Tribunal for mediation. The guidance from HfI comes a week after leaseholders’ leader Dr Brian Potter welcomed the fact that those with huge bills of up to £40,000 or more were getting longer to pay.
But he was appalled that they were also being asked to sign a statement saying they would not challenge the bills.
In a letter to the Tribune this week, HfI’s director of operations Doug Goldring explained that where leaseholders genuinely had issues about the cost, quality or “reasonableness” of major work charges, the agency was committed to resolving them. He added: “We would always aim to resolve issues without either side having to apply to a Leasehold Valuation Tribunal.”
But Dr Potter said: “A number of leaseholders have already challenged their bills and HfI just say: ‘Sorry, but that’s what we think you owe.’ “Leaseholders need to be able to go to a proper independent tribunal for an impartial hearing.” |