Sign up for better bus
• COUNCILLOR Ursula Woolley and I have been running a petition for the last few weeks (in Junction ward) where we’ve been seeking support for upgrades to the Number 4 bus route. We’d like to see the service better regulated and all bus stops upgraded with digitalised timetable readers so passengers can see when the next bus is due. It seems extraordinary in these days of GPS that we still get two or more Number 4 buses arriving together and then none for an age. It is especially remarkable given that the bus depot is literally just round the corner (at least from my home in Tufnell Park Road).
One resident also asked why, when the bus is less full during the middle of the day and late at night, can’t the single-decker buses be used. This would surely be more carbon friendly and during later hours, less noisy and thus intrusive.
I must say how heartened I’ve been by the level of support for this petition. From all aspects of our community but especially our more elderly residents I’ve heard nothing but complaints about the current service. At a time when we are all being urged to ditch the car and become more carbon friendly, the imperative would seem to be with Transport for London to get behind this important and heartfelt campaign.
Anyone who would like to sign the petition should contact me at gravesarthur@hotmail.com and I’ll get round to see them.
Arthur Graves
Tufnell Park Road, N19
Your comments:
Number 4 Bus Route. l live in Goswell Road London EC1V, for the last six years have complained about the noise and pollution from the number 4 Bus, the screeching is so so unreasonable.
M. Porter |