
Partygoers wearing clothes from the war era |
1940s tea party: Memories of wartime
WARTIME memories were evoked as young and old got together for a 1940s-style tea party.
Youngsters from the Zone Youth Project, which arranges activities for young people, joined more mature residents of Circle 33’s Cutbush House, Hilldrop Road, Holloway, for an afternoon of song, dance, and games.
The young visitors, who came dressed in outfits from the time, were treated to live music from the Jack Honeyborne trio and tried out their footwork with some classic dance moves. They also had a go at some retro children’s games such as knock the orange off the spoon and ludo and tucked into tea, cakes and a barbecue.
The party was to celebrate the end of a three-month project in which older residents explained what it was like to live during the 1940s, showed films, and taught about food, rationing and clothes from the era.
It was part of a Community Cohesion project managed by Groundwork London. The Islington Council-funded project aims to break down barriers and misconceptions between young people and older residents.
Cutbush House resident Flo, 84, who used to live off Essex Road, joined the Land Army when she was 18. She worked for three years in Kent, shearing sheep and labouring on a farm. She said: “The young people made us cups of tea and everybody was really friendly. I didn’t know any of them before the project, but I say hello to them all now. We have learned such a lot about each other. They showed us such respect. We really felt one of the crowd afterwards.”
Mayor of Islington councillor Anna Berent said: “The young people now have a much better understanding of what life was really like for us back then, and the tea party certainly brought back memories for me.” |