Danger in pipeline?
• MATT West, head of repairs and maintenance at Homes for Islington (HfI), responds to my concerns regarding the dangerous external gas pipes surrounding the Bemerton estate (Gas pipe concerns, August 21).
I would say to him: yes, we know that the gas work was carried out by the National Grid, but that does not take away the responsibility of Islington Council as landlord of the estate, or the quality control that HfI should show as management agent for the council.
With respect to any major work being carried out, HfI has a legal and moral duty to residents to see that safe working practices are carried out. It cannot say that the responsibility lies with the National Grid alone.
It is this passing of the buck that causes concerns among residents.
I look forward to reassurances in the near future of the safety factor in this matter, and not just another bureaucratic smokescreen, as seems to be the policy of HfI when dealing with inquiries.
Bingfield Street, N1