Idea that’s growing
• WHY is it some people, especially the likes of former Tory council candidate Tim Newark, are never happy, and always have to whine about something (Paradise lost as wall wilts, August 21)?
It’s interesting that while the wonderful green wall at the Paradise Park children’s centre was in bloom and working well we never heard a peep.
Yet as soon as a problem comes up, there he is on the pages of your paper complaining again.
As someone who uses the children’s centre and the park next to this building, I think the wall looked great. It’s sad that it has got to the state that it has, but if that is due to a design problem then all I can say to the council is: get it sorted and re-plant the wall. Don’t let negative people like Mr Newark put you off!
What was done here is now being copied all across London and the rest of the UK – I noticed a green wall on the Cally Road in King’s Cross. At the new Westfield shopping centre in west London there is one of the largest green walls in Europe. We want more green walls, not ugly concrete buildings littering the borough.
Kelvin Road, N5