Flowers can lift spirits
• YOUR correspondent is “appalled and outraged” by the sight of beautiful hanging baskets at Holloway Prison (Too pretty for prison, August 7).
In a civilised society, deprivation of freedom should be the only punishment a person gets when sent to prison. Were that the case, far fewer ex-convicts would reoffend and go back to prison again.
No matter how badly a person offends, that person is still a human being, and in Britain, I’d like to think, still has the same basic human rights as anybody else – except that we lock them up.
A few flowers to look at are good not only for the prisoners at Holloway, but also for prison officers and staff.
This is a wise use in the end of taxpayers’ money. The appalling and outrageous reoffending rates in countries as diverse as the USA, China, Thailand and France, for example, where prisoners have virtually no human rights at all, speak for themselves.
Manor Road, N16