Means-test housing
• COUNCILLOR James Murray complains about a recent decision to scrap the requirement that 50 per cent of new homes be social housing (Boris fails homes test, July 31). The basis of his complaint is Islington’s long waiting list for social housing. Surely he must recognise there will always be strong demand for subsidised housing in a desirable part of London, regardless of how much new social housing is built.
Even if enough dwellings were built to house everyone on the current waiting list, this would inevitably attract more applicants from further afield. By the council’s own admission, almost half of the current housing stock in Islington is already either council owned or social rented. Islington therefore clearly has more than its fair share of social housing already.
That is not to say there are not people on the waiting list with urgent housing needs. Surely, therefore, it would be fair and reasonable to introduce means-testing to ensure those who have the greatest needs are looked after, in place of those who can afford to graduate to private sector accommodation.
Batchelor Street, N1