Apologies to parents and pupils (including Tabitha)
• I ALWAYS wanted to apologise face to face to children and families but I was never allowed (Parents want an apology from disgraced ex-head, July 24). Instead, injunctions were taken out against me by Islington Council. To every child and parent (including Tabitha and Tarquin – a comment taken out of context by a reader), I offer you my deepest, most sincere apology.
I am desperately sorry that this happened and that I cannot continue to be your headteacher. I loved Canonbury and was proud to see a school transform during my four years – not just my view but the view of so many parents, children and our school inspectors.
The reason I discussed my story was not to gain sympathy but to highlight the issues of underlying stress that so many headteachers suffer. We are, after all, human beings who do make mistakes and bad choices.
I would never make light of suicide, as one person did on the letters page. I wanted to highlight my reaction to a situation. Those who were there know the extreme situation and how it made me feel. I was appalled that someone would think I talked about it for sympathy.
No one expected me to work long hours and I was a fool to do so, but such was my drive to improve the school and to wipe out the ghosts of headteachers past (seven in five years) that I made that decision. I only ever wanted to make a proud, successful and happy school for children. I do know, however, that being available all the time was one of the significant reasons for our success.
The team at Canonbury know all of this and that is what I take away with me, regardless of what people say or think of me… we had a successful and brilliant four years together.
Former headteacher, Canonbury Primary School