School consultant is dismissed over ‘hidden conviction’
SIX schools in Islington have been warned to stop using the services of a private consultant after it emerged he has a criminal conviction for having an inappropriate relationship with a teenage girl.
The man, who has worked as a clerk for one school’s governing board, was privately contracted to provide financial administration services for five other schools, and clerked for Islington Primary Heads Network.
The schools have all been advised to terminate their contracts with him immediately.
A whistleblower alerted Islington Council to the man’s conviction, dating back to 1999, which took place when he was a headteacher in another borough.
It is understood that the man has never taught in Islington.
Islington Council’s children and young people’s chief councillor Paula Belford said: “Although this individual was not in a position where he was coming into contact with children, as soon as we knew he had concealed a past conviction we took action.”
An Islington Council spokeswoman said: “[The man] is an independent consultant. He was used by a small number of schools in the borough to provide either financial or clerking services. His role was purely administrative and as such would have had no unsupervised direct contact with children.” |